Have You Ever Considered Dental Sealants as a Way to Prevent Decay?

dental sealants cavity prevention adultsProper dental hygiene practices, including regular brushing and flossing, eating a healthy diet with infrequent snacking, and regular dental visits help to prevent oral health problems from ever occurring. But there is another way to reduce the incidence of tooth decay, especially for children, namely dental sealants.

What Are Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants refer to a safe plastic cover that is painted on the grooves of the back (chewing) teeth. The sealant is applied in liquid form and solidifies in a few seconds, forming a plastic coating on the chewing surface of your back teeth that protects the grooves from decay and cavities. Sealants are easily painted by dentists or dental hygienists without the requirement for drills or needles. The application process involves:

  • Application of a special liquid on the teeth by brushing – to prevent the sealant from sticking to the teeth
  • After one minute, the liquid is washed off and the tooth dried completely
  • The liquid sealant is painted on to the teeth surface
  • It bonds directly with the teeth and hardens in a few seconds
  • The protective cover is formed

How Effective are Dental Sealants for Cavity Prevention?

The chewing surfaces of your back teeth are typically rough and uneven, owing to small pits and grooves. Food particles and germs easily get stuck in the uneven surface and stay there for a long time because your toothbrush bristles cannot adequately clean them. This makes your premolars and molars prone to tooth decay and cavities, even with proper dental hygiene. Fortunately, you can use dental sealants to cover up the grooves and provide a smooth surface for effective brushing.

Benefits of dental sealants include:

  • Decay prevention and reduced risk of cavities and fillings, caps, or crowns in the future
  • Saves you time at the dentist
  • Savings on dental bills
  • Long-lasting – up to 10 years of protection

Curious to try? Contact our Las Vegas family dentist today @ (702) 803-1796.